Posts Tagged ‘kinda funny’

As I mentioned in my review of the Flirty G I am hesitant when it comes to inexpensive sex toys. This isn’t just because I am a bit of a snob, there is actually an …shall we say incident?…that led me to being a selective on my toys.

Back when I was first exploring the realm of sex toys I got my first rabbit style vibe. Not knowing any better, I purchased an inexpensive knock off version Now, I do my kegel exercises like a good girl and had already been doing them for some time by the time I got this vibrator. Maybe I just had more a superhero vag than the designers of the toy expected? Hulkgina? Or maybe the damned toy was just really poorly constructed.

When they say firecrotch, this is NOT what they mean.

Anyway point being I got to using it la la la, oo that is nice…waiting a bit as it did it’s work. So far so good. Got off once and decided to see how long I could bear the sensation after a good orgasm.

That was when I noticed the heat…and the smoke. That’s right when I opened my eyes and looked down there were thin tendrils of smoke coming from between my legs. Holy god damn, I tossed the vibe across the room with a bit of a yelp. Stupid me? I didn’t turn it off.  The vibe that is, not my vagina. Funny thing about thinking your pussy is literally on fire…scares the juices right outta you.

After taking a few deep breaths and checking to make sure I hadn’t burned my girly bits…I realize there is still smoke. That’s right folks, the little motor on the damned thing had started a small electrical fire. Leaving a scorch mark on the teeshirt it had landed on. No there wasn’t a big fire, but holy damn! That had been a close one! I can only imagine trying to keep a straight face explaining that one to my doctor.

“How did I get burn marks? weeeelll…”

Or what if I had burned off a patch of pubic hair and had a permanent funny bald patch. The next time a guy went down on me:

“So..why is this part of your pussy utterly hairless…”

“Well funny story…”

I mean who wants their pussy to look like Two Face from the batman movie?!?! I guess I could have made it a cute little phantom of the opera mask?

Needless to say it was a while before I was brave enough to go near a vibe of that style again. I even had nightmares about flaming vibrators setting me on fire!